2008 - inspired by friends starting bands, the idea of SWEAT as a means to spread the word about local bands is born.2008 - idea abandoned as local bands turn out to be not very good, reliable or interesting.
2009 - blog of Jess Bunyan (creator of SWEAT) moves from neonpeg to Idols Craving Ballerinas.
2009 - in an idle summer after GCSEs the first issue of SWEAT is made via friends & boredom, losing the bands but keeping the name.
2010 - second issue of SWEAT made mostly on a train journey in much the same way.
2010 - through meeting more & more creative people through blogging Jess realises that the internet is full of creative wonderful people who would appreciate creating something physical out of something not so. Meaning she could use the internet to contact people all over the world and create something including the best of them in a printed document for everyone to read, appreciate & um, frame.
2010 - SWEAT finds it's feet & includes contributors from all over the world & basically, becomes awesome.
2010 - SWEAT included in the London College of Communication, LCC, zine library for the rest of history to learn about zines from.
We are young & we are still leaning, but SWEAT is a close community of passionate people, who just happen to live thousands of miles apart. If you would like to know more, or even become part of it e-mail us: sweat.zine@gmail.com